When: January 25, 2025
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Where: TBD Midway HS Indoor Football Facility
(Behind Midway HS - 8200 Mars Dr)
Format: This event is for area Junior High students. Experience a day of FCA camp with over 125 other JH students. There will be fun competitions, lunch and a dynamic speaker.
Cost: $20 (covers your lunch, shirt, and Bible)
Sign up: Fill out below
We are excited that you are signed up for Jr. Captains Camp. This will take place at the indoor Midway football indoor facility behind the high school. If you student has any dietary restrictions please plan ahead and pack a lunch for them accordingly.
For questions please email:
If paying by Credit Card, you are still required to register above. The "paying by Credit Card" button only processes payment, it does not register your athlete.